上海强升印染机械有限公司/上海卫强印染机械有限公司 |
联系人:姜强 经理 | 电话:021-58908542 |
传真: | 地址:上海市川沙川环南路921弄7号 |
邮编:201200 | 邮箱:service@wqjx.com.cn |
网址:http://www.qsyj.net/ |
dryer of forary screen printing
this machine is suitable for drying of printed woven fabrics and knitted fabrics. it is specially designed or importedor domestic rotary screen printing machine. There are two ways ofentrance:level entrance and inclined entrance ,Jet hot are 3-lays ,each chamber has 2 circulating fans ,4 heat-bottom of the fabric simultaneously.Number of compartment:4(36effective threading length)(can be increadsed or decreased according to buyer's requirements)
无锡二橡胶股份有限公司 |
常州市润源经编机械有限公司 |
青岛云龙纺织机械有限公司 |
黄石经纬纺织机械有限公司 |