- [新闻]-->上海康信展品预览
- [新闻]-->上海康信kx175-1电子棉纤维气流仪
- [新闻]-->上海康信kx730棉纤维长度照影仪
- [产品]-->电子棉纤维气流仪 Electric Micronaire
- [产品]-->棉纤维气流仪Portable Micronair
- [产品]-->纤维切片机(哈氏切片机)Fibre Slice Cutter
- 联系人:张健邦/张孜晰
- 邮 箱:kangxingd@aliyun.com
- 地 址:上海市浦东新区祝桥镇义泓村543号
- 手 机:13901632946,13917174217
- 电 话:021-54481987
- 传 真:021-68262638
- 网 址:http://www.kangxingd.com
该灯箱全部采用数控机床加工,外形美观,尺寸一致性好。门的开启采用搭扣式装置,安装简单,维护方便。具有北极自然光的特点,提供稳定可靠的色温环境。(仪器指标符合ISO911及GB/T13786-92)主要参数: 1,40瓦 48英寸 (6支灯管或4支灯管任选) 2,D75棉花专用分级灯管 3,色温:7500K 4,显色指数:93 5,体积:1225 x610 x150mm 6,重量:20Kg (进口灯管为美国DURO-TEST公司生产,是美国农业部棉花分级的专用灯管) D75 Standard Light Source The housing of the light source is made by digital control lathe and the dimension consistency is good. The panel is joined together by tache and is easy to install and do maintenance. It gives the good color tempreture for the cotton classifying. t is built in accordance with ISO911 and GB/T13786-1992) Specification: 1. 40W, 48 inch, 2. D75 designed light, to classify the cotton grade 3. Color Standard: 7500K 4. CRI: 93 5. Dimension: 1225 x610 x150mm 6. Net Weight: 20Kg