




  • 联系人:张健邦/张孜晰
  • 邮 箱:kangxingd@aliyun.com
  • 地 址:上海市浦东新区祝桥镇义泓村543号
  • 手 机:13901632946,13917174217
  • 电 话:021-54481987
  • 传 真:021-68262638
  • 网 址:http://www.kangxingd.com


上海康信光电仪器有限公司是一家科技型的仪器研发、生产与销售单位,本公司拥有雄厚的技术研发力量,并与多家科研单位和高等院校精密合作。主要生产自行研制开发的棉纤维测试仪器和相关的技术服务,所生产的仪器,结构简洁、操作方便、稳定可靠,逐步向智能化方向发展。公司经上海市质量技术监督局的评定获得了计量确认合格证书。多年来,公司本着“质量第一、诚信服务“的宗旨,竭诚为广大用户提供优质的产品和满意的服务,获得广大用户的好评,产品已出口欧洲、非洲等地。 Shanghai Kang Xin Optoelectronic Instrument Co. Ltd. (KXOE) is a tech.-intensive company which has been doing good job in R&D, production and product sales in many years. KXOE enjoys a team of qualified engineers and technicians and has good relationship with many research institutes and accademies in China. KXOE can provide series of cotton fibre testers which are developed and made by KXOE itself. The products have good features of compact structure, easy to operate and reliable quality. The intelligent functioning has also be developed in our products now. Our products have got the quality certificates issued by Shanghai Bureau of Quality and Technical Supervision. Because of our good quality and very competitive price our products have exported to countries in Africa, Asia and Eroupean in recent years.