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纺机商城 中国服装机械网 博客 视频





时间:2011年06月24日   来源:中国纺机网编辑部
  • 测试图片名称 1


  上海第二丝绸机械厂是具有 40 余年历史的纺机卷绕型设备的专业制造厂。位于上海市宝山区。

  企业中的科技人员占 1/3 ,具有很强的研发能力,在自己开发产品的同时,与上海复旦大学等多所高校合作技术开发,坚持走以 “ 科技创新 ” 的道路,致力于使产品技术处于全国领先地位,特别是在精密络筒机的开发中,形成了全系列产品,荣获各种奖项。同时获得国家级新产品称号,被上海市高新技术成果中心认定为高新技术成果转化项目。


☆ 企业的宗旨:为客户创造价值,满足并超越客户的要求。         ☆ 企业的精神:创新而笃定;切实而近思;厚德载物;自强不息。
☆ 企业德目标:开拓创新;科技领先;精细管理;点滴做起;求真务实。

Shanghai No.2 Silk Machinery Factory, Shanghai High and New Technology Enterprise with ISO9001:2000 Certification, specializes in the manufacturing of cone winders. Forty years experience in winding technology has made it an enterprise of great designing and processing ability.

Main production
※ SHGD Rewinding machine represent the domestic highest coning level.
Win the honor:
  1.The high-tech enterprises in Sha

nghai.       2.State Economic Commission as a national title of the new products.
  3.Shanghai Hi-tech conversion project(A)level.     4.Shanghai Technology innovation Second prize.
※ SKCT Rewinding Machine is the recent development of the new multi-purpose high-speed winder.
※ VC Machine Supports industries for Dyeing such as hank reeling machine and tensioning machine.
※ SK Machine belongs to coning, doubling twisting lines produced by it are extensively applied to CHEMICAL FOBER, FILAMENT YARN,SILK,HEMP,COTTON,TWINE INDUSTRIES.
☆ Corporation tenet: create value for customers, meet and exceed client requirements.
☆ Corporation spirit: innovation, objectivity, moral, self-improvement.
☆ Corporation aim: exploration and innovation; science keep head; fine manage; detail; realistic.

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