- [产品]-->对色灯箱
- [产品]-->变频脱水机
- [产品]-->DB-400系列染色试样小轧车
- 联系人:三联科技
- 邮 箱:foshsr@yeah.net
- 地 址:佛山市禅城区汾江南路里水工业区
- 电 话:0757-83815663、83837561-2-3
- 传 真:0757-83815393
- 网 址:http://www.foshsr.com/
佛山市三联节能科技发展有限公司地处珠江三角洲腹地佛山市,经济和交通较发达,公司生产设备先进齐全,拥有一大批专用设备,配备了CAD辅助设计系统和按国际标准建立的自动检测系统,技术力量雄厚,以高级工程师为主的技术人员占员工比例的13%,且有研制和生产各类新型、高效节电产品的实力。秉承“高效、节能、环保”于一体的专业精神,开发制造科技含量高的节能产品。 佛山市三联节能科技发展有限公司诚挚欢迎各界人士光临本公司参观指导或来人来函洽谈业务。 Foshan Sun Run Energy-Saving Scientific Development Co.,Ltd.Is located in the hinterland of Pearl River Delta-Foshan, which benefits its developed economy and transport.The company has a full set of advanced professional production equipment, CAD auxiliary design system and automatic examining system set to international standards. Besides it also has tremendous technical strength with a group of senior engineers by 13% of all staff, as well as the ability in researching and producing novel and highly efficient electricity-saving products. We carry on the professional spirit of "High efficiency, energy-saving, environmental protection", developing and making our the products with high technical content. We sincerely welcome your visit, guidance or business discussion.