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  • 联系人:熊建华
  • 邮 箱:wuyue929@126.com
  • 地 址:湖北省孝感市三汊镇孝天路特2号
  • 手 机:13508690205 13307299110
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  • 网 址:http://www.wycgq.com/

PT131-2 melt pressure transmitter



Feature and usage:
PT131-2 melt pressure temperature transmitter’s feature and application:rigidity pole, hose isolation, diaphragm construction、good stability and accuracy;implicated in、polyester, rubber modeling and other machines. It’s used in measuring and controlling the melt flow medium.
Main technical parameter:
range:0~5~200MPa ,complex accuracy:0.5%FS ;1%FS output signal:1.5mV/V ;2mV/V ;3.33mV/V voltage supply:10VDC temperature model、K、E、 PT100 temperature of diaphragm:450℃ electric connection:five core inserter and 5 pin with 2 core temperature inserter. screw thread:M14×1.5 ;M18×1.5 ; M22×1.5;special design.
Technical parameter:
Mainly used in plastic modeling, fiber, petrifaction and other special condition’s pressure measurement. Coordinating to our PW series smart digital pressure meter, it can simultaneously measure and control, transmitter series adopt 24V current electric. Standard output signal in order to let computer collect. The series is my company which only uses United States technology in diaphragm and thread the attachment of various fluoride diaphragm of special coatings and coating for high temperature melt sensor transmitters. So it has a longer working time.