1.JYF系列织带机,可由2条-16条同时织造,从极小的宽度至110mm,任由客户选择生产。 Series of JYF shuttle ribbon loom, it can work with 2-16 pieces simultaneously from tiny width to 110mm, it can be selected freely. 2.双钩双纬,双送纱设计 ,增加了不同双纬织造装置,不同送纬装置,无需再对机械器进行改装。 Double hooker and double needles, design for double supplying cotton, different double horizontal weaving device and different supplying cotton lines device are added, no need to modify for the machine. 3.自动循环油 Supply oil recycling and automatically 4.标准织边和带锁边纱织边 Standard weaving and lock cotton weaving 5.更换织造头,可改变不同带数和带宽。 Change shuttle turn-head, it can change different quantity and different widths. 6.JYF系列适织各种轻型带类,如缎带、肩带、胸围带、窗带、松紧带以及拉链带等等 Series of JYF are suitable for various light model belts such as silk belt, belts for shouder, belts for breast, belt for curtain, loosen belt as welt as chain belt etc. 特殊装置:(special device) 1. 双卷取拉带滚筒装置 (Double rolling device) 2. 不同双纬织造装置 (Different double horizontal shuttle device) 3. 不同送纬装置 (Different supplying cotton device) 4. 慢速传动装置 (Slow speed transmission device) 5. 后送装置 (Back supplying device) 6. 送胶装置 (Supplying gel device)
产品规格: JYF-4/80
产品规格 JYF-4/80