无锡市佳力机械厂 |
联系人:刘先生 周先生 | 电话:0510-83749023\85471059\85471060 |
传真:0510-83741324 | 地址:无锡市堰桥镇南路8号 |
邮编:214174 | 邮箱:liu@jialijx.com zhou@jialijx.com |
网址:http://www.jialijx.com |
产品特点(Product Characteristics)
本机型适合各种类型散纤维的染色,特别适合羊绒、羊毛、棉、毛、丝、腈纶等及其混纺产品。 It is suitable for dealing with coloration of loose stock, materials such as cotton, wool terylen and velour cashmere etc.
一次装缸便可完成精练、漂白、染色及柔软等多个染整工序。 Once be packed, it could finish several dye processes such as refining, bleaching, dyeing and pliability etc.
特殊设计的低能耗、高性能的卧式循环泵浦,特别设计的循环泵叶轮大大降低主机功率。 Circulating vane pump reuces main enginge power in a big size, which is specially designed as low consumption (of raw material)and high function vertical axial-flow pump.
既可将染毛笼直接吊出,也可采用底盘式链子吊架,散纤进出更加方便、安全。 It became safer and more in convenient to pass loose stock in and out when loose stock hanging stand be designed with chain hanging stand of bottom model in order to substantially accelerate the speed of passing in and out.
结构新型,浴比小,约1:5-10。 New structure and low bathing ratio about 1:5-10
配备加长隔套,被染物载量调节范围大。 Be equipped with longer casimg pipes, range adjusted about the amount of the dyed is wide.
创新设计高效率的热交换器。 Heat exchanger with high efficiency.
可调节载量的压盘。 Platen with adjustable loadage.
全自动、半自动电脑控制。 Full auto or semi-auto PC control system. 主泵变频控制。 Frequency conversion control of master pump.
颜料桶全自动控制。 Full auo control of color bucket.
定量加料系统。 Rated material feeding system.
规格(Specification of a manufactured item)
无锡二橡胶股份有限公司 |
常州市润源经编机械有限公司 |
青岛云龙纺织机械有限公司 |
黄石经纬纺织机械有限公司 |