




The romance of chenille

In the 1920s, a strange machine was brought to Florence from France which produced a yarn called chenille. 

19 世纪20年代一种神奇的机械被从法国转入意大利佛罗伦萨,这种设备可以生产一种“雪尼尔”纱。

The production and use of this yarn was minimal and nothing much happened until 1946, when a young man of great imagination and determination, Luigi Boldrini, using the few materials available, took this machine in hand and developed it. In his apartment on the fourth floor of a house on the outskirts of Florence, near Soffiano, he built a prototype and he began producing chenille yarn. Another Florentine company, Jandeli, which is now closed, developed a similar machine.

一直到1946年雪尼尔纱的生产和应用很少见。1946Luigi Boldrini先生,一位富于想像力和决心的年轻人获得这台神奇的机器, 并用很少的材料进一步研究开发。在靠近Soffiano佛罗伦萨郊区一栋住宅楼四层的单元房内,Luigi Boldrini先生制造出样机并开始生产雪尼尔纱。另外一家位于佛罗伦萨的Jandeli公司也开发出类似的设备,现在Jandeli公司已关闭。

The cooperation of Luigi Boldrini & Sons with GIESSE di Giuliano Sostegni bore the first Chenille machine Mod. AC450 with continuous feeding. AC450 was exposed to the ITMA “75 in Milan, covered by an international patent which protected the invention.

Luigi Boldrini & SonsGiesse di Giuliano Sostegni两家公司合作设计制造了第一台原料纱可连续喂入的雪尼尔纺纱机AC 450AC 450ITMA’7575年国际纺机展在米兰召开)上展出并申请了国际专利,这项发明专利被保护到1987年。

In ITMA “95 in Milan the GIESSE company was again the first company to show the first fully electronic chenille machine MOD. AC 91/E, machine that there are more than 50.000 spindles sold and was cover by several international patents.

ITMA’9595年国际纺机展在米兰召开)上Giesse公司展出世界第一台全电子控制的雪尼尔纺纱机AC 91/E AC 91/E具有多项世界专利,现设备保有量50000多锭。

Luigi Boldrini & Sons is till today’s one of the most famous company for producing High quality/Elite chenille for garment.  They use the most precious fibres and the most modern microfibres to create soft and velvety fancy yarns and chenille, often with highly innovative effects. 

Luigi Boldrini & Sons公司现在是一家著名的生产服装用高质量雪尼尔纱线的公司。他们用珍贵的纤维和现代超细纤维生产天鹅绒般柔软的花式纱线和雪尼尔纱线,最富创新效果